The following courses are required for enrollment at UT Southwestern Medical School. We suggest that students complete all course requirements prior to applying. All requirements must be fulfilled before enrolling into medical school.
For additional information on educational requirements, visit the TMDSAS website.
Includes all biology courses applied toward baccalaureate degree in a traditional science field. Includes courses in:
Courses for nonscience majors or courses taught for health career majors (nursing, pharmacy, or allied health sciences) are not accepted.
Biochemistry may be taught in the Biology, Biochemistry, or Chemistry Department. Biochemistry cannot be an introductory course. View a list of course topics to be covered in an acceptable Biochemistry course.
Should include familiarity with analytic and volumetric techniques.
Inorganic courses include general chemistry, physical chemistry, and quantitative analysis. Organic courses must have “organic” in course title.
Courses must be applicable toward a baccalaureate degree in a traditional science field regardless of student’s major. Courses for nonscience majors or health career majors (nursing, pharmacy, or allied health sciences) are not accepted.
Any course approved by an English Department that fulfills general education English requirement of a baccalaureate degree. Remedial or developmental courses or “English as a Second Language” courses are not accepted. Humanities or Social Science courses with significant expository writing may satisfy this requirement.
The calculus course can be any calculus taught by a Math or Physics Department. Business calculus or any precalculus courses are not accepted.
The statistics course must be math based and preferably taught in the Math Department.
Includes all physics courses applied toward baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field.
Courses for nonscience majors or health career majors (nursing, pharmacy, or allied health sciences) are not accepted.
First check with your pre-health adviser at your undergraduate institution who can best guide you on course selection.
At the time of application to medical school, TMDSAS will evaluate your coursework based on these guidelines and course definitions.