HTML & CSS • Web Development • Web Design Use your knowledge of Bootstrap, documentation reading skills, and creative lens to create a website!
More guidance, 50 min Practice ProjectHTML & CSS • JavaScript • Web Development Using a variety of JSX concepts, build an interactive interface that will display a selection of animal images and allow users to click an image for a fun fact.
More guidance, 30 min Practice ProjectHTML & CSS • Web Development • Web Design In this project, we're going to practice animation in Sass so you can hone your skills and feel confident taking them to the real world. Why? No modern website is complete without a little bit of animation.
More guidance, 27 min Practice ProjectHTML & CSS • Open Source • Web Development • Code Foundations In this project, we're going to practice merging to master in Git so you can hone your skills and feel confident taking them to the real world. Why? Learning how to merge your branch to master will allow you safely include your code with the main codebase.
More guidance, 39 min Practice ProjectHTML & CSS • JavaScript • Web Development • Game Development Create a perceptual art in honor of the Black Lives Matter movement.
More guidance, 30 min Practice ProjectHTML & CSS • Web Development • Web Design In this project, we're going to practice element positioning in CSS so you can hone your skills and feel confident taking them to the real world. Why? Applying the display and position properties on a certain element is something you'll be doing plenty of with CSS, so exploring and practicing it now will help you a lot.